I Run From Zombies

Well I certainly don’t run towards zombies, nobody in their right minds runs towards zombies. I also don’t run from actual zombies, they are still happily only a fictional experience, but I do have the most entertaining running app known to man. Zombies run is a story based running app that gives you audio bytes from your home base Abel township in between tracks from your music library. There are three seasons of varying lengths split up into episodes which can last between a half hour and an hour each depending on your preferences. I’ve been using this app (intermittently) since season one and I can honestly say that some times it is the only thing that gets me out and running.




I’ve actually gotten really attached to all the characters in the game especially Sam and Dr. Meyers, they are your life line to the little town of Abel. On runs I’ve had to stop because I was laughing too hard and there have been several runs where I’ve been unashamed to cry in public because of this app. All within the first season. I wont spoil the story because that would be meaner than even I am willing to be but even if you find the concept of zombies overdone and cliche I think the story carries the concept and makes it worthwhile.





One of the best things about this system is that it doesn’t matter how fast you are going before the zombies start to chase you down the street as long as you pick up the pace by 20% ish you can escape the zombie hoard to fight another day. So it doesn’t matter if you have and eight minute mile or if you’re like me and a twelve minute mile is a major victory as long as you improve upon your pace its possible to survive. One possible criticism I do have about it at the end of almost every audio clip the character says something along the lines of pick up the pace, or zombies are on their way but immediately following the transition into your music there isn’t a zombie chase. Very confusing on the first mission where there isn’t much in the way of a tutorial and the first friendly voice you hear is emphatically telling you to RUN! and you run, because you thing poor runner 5 is going to die and you exhaust yourself and then the actual zombie chase prompt comes on and then you actually die.  I will say that it is a nice reminder to keep your pace steady once you get used to the flow of the game but a tutorial would have been fabulous.






Now to the extra bit of gamification: your base. Once you finish your run you have certain supplies and materials that you’ve picked up to assist Abel, after you return to base you have the opportunity to allocate them within the township to upgrade buildings, assist with defense, and increase population. This feature isn’t really the selling point of the game, that would be the phenomenal voice acting and story but it is a nice way to see your running efforts make an impact on a place that you do become emotionally invested in.


Overall this is a fantastic app, highly recommended for anyone who enjoys a good zombie, a great story or just needs something to spice up a run.


Until next time



Today was a day of little wins.

Miracle of miracles I ran my first sub 12 minute mile. I am 100% sure it was due to the fact that I had zombies on my ass twice in that span of time. But hey I’ll take it. I actually had a bit of a mini freak out when my gps app announced my time, just as I was passing an older couple going the opposite way. They were treated to me jumping in the air and pumping my fist, and wearing an expression so stupidly happy it bordered on the absurd. I’m sure they thought that I had escaped from the loony bin abut at that moment I really couldn’t have cared less.


I actually went a full four miles without walking, granted it was still at my normal shamble/jog but this has been the longest distance I have been able to go without having to stop my trot to a walk. Granted the last mile or so was shambled out of a pure refusal to allow myself to have gone that far and end up walking at the end. Here’s the thing I found about setting a good pace, for me at the least the key is finding a song that you can really rock out to and lose yourself in it. It takes away the fatigue and really allows you to soar. I actually found myself singing along like a loon half way through when “come on feel the noize” came on. I’m sure the walkers on the trail thought I was a crazy person.


Speaking of music, I have had in my running play list a dubstep Lost Woods  by Ephixa along with several other mixes but it had yet to come up. Then a strangely appropriate time it came up.


oh you have got to be kidding me


I have to say there is very little more surreal than running through a landscape while listening to a song seemingly designed for it. I may as well have had a master-sword on my hip and a shield on my back. A little bit of geeking out apparently goes a long way with me, perhaps gamifying this running thing could work in the long term.
Weirdness upon weirdness I emerge from the trail to be greeted by what I can only assume is an AARP brigade with their equally old cars. None of them were there when I arrived and there was no indication that just such an event was happening that day, I would have parked a ways a way had I known.




Side note: when a exhausted runner politely asks you to move because your blocking her car move. I had to practically hit a centenarian to get him to vacate his viewing space.

In conclusion: running fast rocks, people suck.